
Meeting Slides and Referenced Documents

Stand in the Gap Documents and Links

Stand in the Gap Executive Summary

Pathway Coach Role Description

New Staff List

Serve with National Staff Recruiting Form – Fill out this form to either express personal interest or suggest someone to serve with National Recruiting

Field Recruiting Dashboard (Google Doc)

Brainstorming Resources

Recruiting Worksheet – A brainstorming resource to use when trying to think of potential people to invite to join Nav Staff

Recruiting Salaried Staff – this is a Bible study/brainstorming tool used at the 2021 Recruiter Summit

Devos, Worksheets, and Bible Studies

Discerning Call of God Worksheet – Based on a talk Mike Jordahl did, this worksheet/devotion is meant to help people process what God is calling them to do, where, and with who.

Encounters with God – This was provided by NCM and it got a bit of an updated design. It’s a longer Bible Study to help walk someone through the process of joining NCM

Is Navigator Staff for You? – This study is based heavily on Encounters with God, but it’s more generalized. It is what we’re currently having pathway coaches go through with people after they attend Stand in the Gap.

Exploring Your Life Purpose – this is an ebook that Collegiate created, we’ve been sharing it with people who have expressed interest in joining staff online.

Join Staff Booklets

Thank you for joining the 2021 Recruiter Summit! If you have any questions about any of these resources or have ideas or requests for future resources, please email Nathan Landry with the Field Support Center MarComm team –