As you Follow Him, Bring Others on the Journey
Learn how to join staff with The Navigators
The Navigators
Navigators live and work in a variety of settings all over the world. As we disciple people, we teach them to disciple others—creating a legacy of discipleship that grows continuously, engages new generations, and expands into every walk of life.
Begin your journey
Could God be calling you to join us?

Get to know the Navigators, explore opportunities, and complete an application.

Interview with Navigator leaders and prayerfully consider specific ministry opportunities to discern if God is calling you to join the staff of the Navigators.

Raise funds, complete Navigator orientation and Core training, and join us at our New Field Staff Conference as you prepare to launch into ministry.
Life-to-Life® Discipleship
Navigators come alongside as you grow in your relationship with Jesus. We teach and encourage you to bring the gospel to others and show you how to establish new believers in their faith. Then we equip you to teach them how to repeat this process with others.
Discover Our Opportunities
Learn more about the diverse opportunities for Navigator ministry
Next Steps

Take the first step in your disciplemaking with The Navigators
Submit an interest form today! By submitting an interest form, we can help connect with you and answer any questions you may have.

Hear what people are saying

Interested in discipleship, but don’t know where to start?
Learn what discipleship looks like by joining our digital discipleship journey.