Field Staff Opportunities
Navigators field ministries are organized into six ministry focus areas that we call missions. Browse below to see where your passions and giftings might intersect with staff opportunities.
Navigators Disciplemakers for Life help people advance the gospel and make disciples where God plants them. They serve others where they live, work, worship, and play. We come alongside people like you to make disciples in churches, neighborhoods, with twentysomethings, among marginalized populations, and workplaces.
Navigators Collegiate serves as an open door to share Jesus with thousands of students each year through Life-to-Life® relationships, recreation, and discipleship.
Work alongside chaplains and other Christian ministries to intentionally invest in, encourage, and mentor military members. Navigators Military provides military members the support and tools to “go and make disciples” wherever their service takes them.
Reach out in genuine friendship to international students who are studying abroad in the U.S. Invest time with students individually and in small groups by sharing your faith in Jesus and answering questions about the Bible. Empower students as they return to their home countries on how to share the gospel with their family and relational networks.
Navigators Nations Within focuses on groups of people who have moved from their country of origin to the United States. Through engaging, caring, and ministering to these groups, Nations Within brings the love of Christ to people different from the majority culture.
Do you feel called to go to the nations? World Missions empowers ordinary people (with an extraordinary God) to the nations. Let God open your eyes to His people in different cultural contexts as you share the gospel.