Navigators Recruiting Hub

We Are All Recruiters

Navigator staff are integral to raising up disciplemakers

We are here to help every Navigator, including you, recruit new staff and help make a place for new staff to labor with us in the great calling that God has given us to make disciples who make disciples who make disciples!

This site is designed to equip you with tools and practices to invite others along on the journey of being an Associate or salaried Navigator who makes disciples who make disciples.

There are more people saying "Make room for us!"


Join us in raising up the next generation of disciplemakers 

Start your journey using the tools below

Who To Recruit?

Who would you love to see working alongside you in ministry?

This section has videos, exercises, and ideas to help you think through who you could ask to join you on Navigator staff.

How To Recruit?

Do you want to help recruit but don’t know where to start? 

This section is full of next steps and resources to help you invite someone on to staff or, if they aren’t ready to join yet, help them process through their calling.

Resources to Recruit

Whether you’re looking for videos, devotionals, worksheets, ebooks, promotional materials, or something else, if it will help you invite others to join Navigator staff, you can find it here.